* #### commit message object
* @typedef {Object} COMMIT_MESSAGE
* @property {string} [commit] - commit
* @property {string} prefix - commit message prefix
* @property {string} message - commit message
* @property {string} hash - commit message hash
* @property {string} name - commit message author name
* @property {string} [date] - commit message date
* #### git data object
* @typedef {Object} GIT_DATA
* @property {boolean} isRepo - is git repo in current directory
* @property {boolean} isRoot - is git root in current directory
* @property {boolean} isCommits - is git commits
* @property {boolean} isTagInCurrentCommit - is git tag in current commit
* @property {boolean} isRemote - is git remote
* @property {boolean} isBranchDetached - is git branch detached
* @property {boolean} isBranchAhead - is git branch ahead
* @property {boolean} isBranchBehind - is git branch behind
* @property {string} hash - git hash
* @property {string} branch - git branch
* @property {string} lastTag - git last tag
* @property {string} status - git status
* @property {Array<COMMIT_MESSAGE>} log - git log
* @property {string} branchUpstream - git branch upstream
* @property {Array<string>} stagedFiles - is git staged files
* @property {Array<string>} changedFiles - is git staged files
* @property {Object} remote - git remote origin
* @property {string} [remote.protocol] - git remote origin protocol
* @property {string} [remote.href] - git remote origin href
* @property {string} [remote.full_name] - git remote origin full_name
* @property {string} [remote.host] - git remote origin host
* @property {string} [remote.owner] - git remote origin owner
* @property {string} [remote.name] - git remote origin name
* #### prompts answers object
* @typedef {Object} PROMPTS_ANSWERS
* @property {string} [releaseType] - release type
* @property {string} [releaseVersion] - release version
* @property {boolean} [changelog] - release version
* @property {boolean} [githubRelease] - github release
* #### cli package.json object
* @typedef {Object} CLI_PACKAGE_JSON
* @property {string} version - package version
* @property {Object} engines - engines
* @property {string} engines.node - node version
* @property {string} engines.npm - npm version
* #### quickrelease.json config object
* @typedef {Object} QUICKRELEASE_CONFIG
* @property {Array<string>} files=package.json,package-lock.json - additional files to parse and include into release process
* @property {Object} changelog - changelog config
* @property {string} changelog.file=CHANGELOG.md - changelog file name, `CHANGELOG.md` by default
* @property {Array<string>} [changelog.labels] - git commit labels to use for buildin changelog
* @property {string} [changelog.breakingLabel] - label to indicate breaking changes in git log.
* @property {Array<string>} [githubReleaseTitles] - github release titles
* #### data object
* @typedef {Object} DATA
* @property {CLI_PACKAGE_JSON} cli - cli info
* @property {Object} cwd - current working directory
* @property {string} cwd.path - current working directory path
* @property {string} cwd.dir - current working directory dir
* @property {string} cwd.base - current working directory base
* @property {string} cwd.name - current working directory name
* @property {Object} env - node env
* @property {string} [env.GITHUB_TOKEN] - github token
* @property {Object} system - system info
* @property {string} system.node - system node version
* @property {string} system.npm - system npm version
* @property {string} system.git - system git version
* @property {QUICKRELEASE_CONFIG} config - quick-release config
* @property {GIT_DATA} git - git info
* @property {PROMPTS_ANSWERS} answers - prompt answers
* @property {Object} changelog - changelog data
* @property {Array<COMMIT_MESSAGE>} changelog.generic - changelog generic commits data
* @property {Array<COMMIT_MESSAGE>} changelog.breaking - changelog breaking commits data
* @property {string} changelog.draft - changelog draft
* @property {Object} github - GitHub data
* @property {boolean} github.token - GitHub token
* @property {Object} github.commits - GitHub commits data
* @property {Array<COMMIT_MESSAGE>} github.commits.all - all GitHub commits
* @property {Array<COMMIT_MESSAGE>} github.commits.generic - GitHub generic commits
* @property {Array<COMMIT_MESSAGE>} github.commits.breaking - GitHub breaking commits
* @property {string} github.releaseNotes - GitHub release notes
* #### json formating info
* @typedef {Object} JSON_FORMATING_INFO
* @property {string|undefined|number} space - json space size
* @property {string} newline - json newline
* #### json file data with formating info
* @typedef {Object} JSON_WITH_FORMATING
* @property {any} data - json data
* @property {JSON_FORMATING_INFO} format - json formating info
export default {}